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Custom-made Orthotics

Destin chiropractor orthotics

Custom made orthotics – Spinal Pelvic Stabilizer Orthotics are a prescribed style of flexible, custom-made foot orthotics which are worn in shoes.  Orthotics help your feet maintain their structural and functional balance as you stand, walk, or run. Your feet are the foundation of your body, and they serve you in three important ways: they support your body whenever you stand, walk, or run; they assist you in moving from one place to another; and they help protect your spine, bones, and soft tissues from damaging shock stress as you move. Any weakness or unstable positioning in your feet can contribute to postural problems in the rest of your body.

Custom-made Foot Levelers are individualized to stabilize your spine and pelvis by correcting imbalances in your feet— the foundation of your skeletal system. These imbalances may occur even if you’re not experiencing foot pain. Though they may go unnoticed, these imbalances contribute to postural misalignments, pain in areas throughout your body and fatigue.

Only Foot Levelers functional orthotics support all 3 arches of the foot, which make up the plantar vault. They’re custom-made by hand based on your unique feet, body and health profile. Just as no two bodies are alike, no two pairs of Foot Levelers custom orthotics are alike.

Over-the-counter orthotics may initially cost less, but they only support one arch in your foot. When only one arch is being supported, it may not maintain the structure of your plantar vault, and problems can start in other parts of your body. In fact, “over-supporting” just one arch of the foot may actually cause pain and symptoms, not relieve them.

Do you experience pain daily? Over-the-counter inserts may not provide the relief you need. Individually designed, Foot Levelers custom orthotics with 3-arch support, however, can.

Please contact our chiropractic clinic in Destin, Florida to schedule chiropractic care, massage therapy, deep tissue laser therapy, nutritional counseling, rehab services, or if you have questions about any of our services.

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