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Natural Childbirth: You were designed for it

We all know that women have children, but we often fail to really marvel at the fact that the female body is actually designed to conceive, grow and deliver a baby! The female reproductive system is fully outfitted for a delivery that is both natural and safe. Often, women have fears about the birth process, but it is so important to trust in the body’s innate abilities to perform the way it is intended. Safe delivery for both mother and child is more likely when the mother is healthy, both mentally and physicall

Natural delivery is what the female body is designed for; however one in three children is born by cesarean delivery. If our bodies are specifically equipped for this task, why are medical and pharmaceutical interventions a growing trend in birth and delivery? Cesarean deliveries are meant to be performed only when natural delivery is not possible or safe. There are certainly complications that can develop that warrant this type of intervention, but it is important to know the risks of this surgical procedure, and to have a birth plan set in place that prepares you for any circumstance that might arise. Making informed decisions before delivery day is the best way to ensure a desired experience and outcome. Most importantly, the safety of both mother and child is paramount throughout the entire process. The good news is that there are things that expectant mothers can do to decrease the chances of surgical intervention during the birthing process!

Delivery of a baby is one of the most physically taxing events a woman can go through. Preparation of the body for this event is crucial to a successful, natural delivery! Think about how you might prepare for a marathon. You should prepare your body and mind for delivery in much the same way! The obvious first task is exercise. Regular exercise can help reduce overall discomfort related to pregnancy and the likelihood of complications that may necessitate intervention like cesarean delivery. Exercise has also been shown to improve heart health and help prepare the body for the actual delivery of the baby. Next on the prep list is eating right. Your body needs nutritious foods to grow a healthy baby! Choose things like fruits, vegetables and grass fed meats and poultry. Eat food that grows, but wash it first! Bacteria on food can make the body sick if it has not been exposed to it previously. The third thing to focus on is sleep. Rejuvenate the mind and body through meditation and rest! Maintaining an aligned spine and pelvis ensures proper space and structural alignment for a quicker, more comfortable delivery. Doing all of these things can improve overall health during and after delivery! The body is the first home for this baby and this environment plays such a vital role in the development and growth! Starting or maintaining an exercise regimen, eating right and resting balances the body and lays the groundwork for an easy delivery. Making decisions ahead of time and preparing your mind and body for many different scenarios will ease the stress of the entire process.

Any questions?!

Kelly J. Donaldson DC, MS

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