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Winter Weather and Injuries

frozen beaches I never thought I would be writing a blog about winter weather and injuries in Destin, Florida, but there is a first time for everything! Over the last week, we have experienced some rare ice and snow here on the Emerald Coast. Ice covered driveways and windows probably forced you to dig out some winter tools that you have from a time when you lived somewhere else!

If you are like me, you stepped out your front door and did a slide that resembled a scene out of Risky Business. Some of you might have even tried out the ice sledding that I saw in several photos and videos posted by local news outlets. All kidding aside, many people injure themselves in this kind of weather. When your muscles are not warmed up, you are more likely to strain or sprain a ligament or tendon. A body that is not conditioned is at an even greater disadvantage. Just being out side in frigid temperatures may stir up an old muscle or joint problem.

If you are suffering from soreness or an injury, try icing (yes, more cold) the muscle or area of pain (20 minutes on/20 minutes off). You can repeat this cycle a few times a day. This will help reduce inflammation. Stretch the injured area. Remember the rule of R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compress, elevate) if you have an injury that is causing swelling. If your injury is not resolved within a day or two, you may need to see your local chiropractor for further diagnosis and treatment.

Hopefully this icy weather is behind us, but on the outside chance that there is more to come, remember to be safe and stay warm!

Dr. Kelly J. Donaldson

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